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Prophethood What is it? What does it mean for people? Did all the prophets appear in the Arabian Peninsula? Were there any people among whom a prophet was not raised? If so, can those to whom prophets were not sent be held responsible for their beliefs and actions? Prophethood is...

North Star Stars Night Night Sky sky trees

What Is A Prophet?

What Is A Prophet? A prophet (from the Greek word προφήτης, meaning one who “utters forth”) is a person who is believed to speak for God (or the gods), with the purpose of delivering a divinely inspired message. A prophet often operates through means of recitation, divination, or channeling, and the process of receiving a message from the...

Angel Fallen Model Silhouette Sunset Sunrise

Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel In Abrahamic religions, fallen angels are angels who were expelled from Heaven. The term “fallen angel” appears neither in the Bible nor in other Abrahamic scriptures, but is used of angels who were cast out of heaven or angels who sinned. Such angels are often malevolent towards humanity. The idea of fallen angels derived from Jewish Enochic pseudepigraphy or...

Angel Blowing a Woodwind', ink and opaque watercolor painting from Iran, c. 1500, Honolulu Academy of Arts

Angels In Islam

Angels In Islam In Islam, angels (malāk; plural: mala’ikah) are celestial beings, created from a luminious origin by God to perform certain tasks he has given them. The angels from the angelic realm are subordinates in a hierarchy headed by one of the archangels in the highest heavens. Belief in angels is one of the...

Heart Love Wing Angel Heaven Stars Feelings

Angels and Their Functions

Angels And Their Functions This article covers angels and their functions in detail. Angels are created from light. The Arabic word for angel is malak. According to its root form, malak means messenger, deputy, envoy, superintendent, and powerful person. The root meaning also implies descent from a high place. Angels...

Feathers Wing Angel Wings Wood Old Wood

Who Are Angels?

Who Are Angels? This article covers the answer to the question: “Who Are Angels?” in detail. The angels do not gain promotion by endeavoring; each of them has a fixed, determined rank, but receives a particular pleasure from the work itself and radiance from worship. That is, the reward of...