
Halo Sun Circle Atmosphere Rays Mountains Nature

Monad in Philosophy

Monad in Philosophy Monad (from monas, “singularity” in turn from monos, “alone“) refers, in cosmogony, to the Supreme Being, divinity or the totality of all things. The concept was reportedly conceived by the Pythagoreans and may refer variously to a single source acting alone, or to an indivisible origin, or to both. The concept was...

Solar System, Big Bang, The Big Bang Theory, Emergence Solar System Big Bang The Big Bang Theory Emergence


Cosmogony Cosmogony (from κόσμος “cosmos, the world”) and the root of γί (γ)νομαι / γέγονα (“come into a new state of being“) is any model concerning the origin of either the cosmos or the universe. Overview Scientific theories In astronomy, cosmogony refers to the study of the origin of particular astrophysical...

Chaos by George Frederic Watts

Chaos in Cosmogony

Chaos In Cosmogony Chaos in Cosmogony refers to the void state preceding the creation of the universe or cosmos in the Greek creation myths, or to the initial “gap” created by the original separation of heaven and earth. Etymology Greek χάος means “emptiness, vast void, chasm, abyss”, from the verb χαίνω, “gape, be wide...

The Tablet of Shamash depicting a solid sky with stars embedded holding up the heavenly ocean.[citation needed]

Biblical Cosmology

Biblical Cosmology Biblical cosmology is the biblical writers’ conception of the cosmos as an organised, structured entity, including its origin, order, meaning and destiny. The Bible was formed over many centuries, involving many authors, and reflects shifting patterns of religious belief; consequently, its cosmology is not always consistent. Nor do the biblical texts necessarily represent the beliefs of all Jews or Christians at the time...

A New Age Rainbow Gathering in Bosnia, 2007

The New Age Movement

The New Age Movement New Age is a term applied to a range of spiritual or religious beliefs and practices that developed in Western nations during the 1970s. Precise scholarly definitions of the New Age differ in their emphasis, largely as a result of its highly eclectic structure. Although analytically...