Chinese wisdom

Confucius, Philosopher of the Chinese, or, Chinese Knowledge Explained in Latin, compiled by Philippe Couplet and three other Jesuits and printed at Paris in 1687.

Chinese Rites Controversy

Chinese Rites Controversy The Chinese Rites controversy was a dispute among Roman Catholic missionaries over the religiosity of Confucianism and Chinese rituals during the 17th and 18th centuries. The debate centered over whether Chinese ritual practices of honoring family ancestors and other formal Confucian and Chinese imperial rites qualified as...

A chastity memorial arch

Women In Ancient And Imperial China

Women In Ancient And Imperial China Women in ancient and imperial China were restricted from participating in various realms of social life, through social stipulations that they remain indoors, whilst outside business should be conducted by men. The strict division of the sexes, apparent in the policy that “men plow, women...

Buddha Buddhism Statue Religion Asia Spiritual

The Transformation Of Consciousness Into Wisdom

The Transformation Of Consciousness Into Wisdom In The Chinese Consciousness-Only School of Buddhism According To The Cheng Wei-Shi Lun This article is about how to The Transformation Of Consciousness Into Wisdom in the Chinese Consciousness-Only School of Buddhism. INTRODUCTION In the Chinese Consciousness-Only School of Buddhism, Buddhahood, characterized by the...

Yin and Yang

Yin And Yang

Yin And Yang Yin and yang (陰陽 yīnyáng, “dark-bright”, “negative-positive”) is a concept of dualism in ancient Chinese philosophy, describing how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one...

Wang Xizhi watching geese

Confucius, Mencius And Xun-zi

Confucius, Mencius And Xun-zi This article covers Confucius, Mencius and Xun-zi. Shang, Zhou and the Classics As education and literacy spread in China and scholars became influential as ministers of rulers, philosophers also began to flourish. In the late sixth century BC two of the greatest philosophers of all time...


Sagely Wisdom In Confucianism

Sagely Wisdom In Confucianism This is a study called Sagely Wisdom In Confucianism. In this paper I will examine the Confucian notion of the sage, with some comparisons made along the way to Taoism and finally to Western thought. I. Introduction Though Westerners may count Chinese Confucianism as a religion,...

Confucius Quotes From The Analects

Confucius Quotes From The Analects

Confucius Quotes From The Analects This is a collection of Confucius quotes from The Analects to put his wisdom at your finger tips. Confucius was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher with a knack for nailing some big ideas for life. Enjoy these quotes by Confucius and may they serve you...

Chinese Sages and Immortals

Samples From Chinese Wisdom

Samples From Chinese Wisdom The following wise sayings of Chinese philosophers. are some samples from Chinese Wisdom. We have collected some wise sayings of Chinese philosophers. Enjoy reading these insights and feel free to share this page on your social media to inspire others. Lao Tzu said: Sometimes lead, sometimes...

In the picture they are the two grandmasters of the Shaolin Temple Shi DeRu (Shawn Xiangyang Liu) and Shi DeYang (Shi WanFeng) who are two decedent (or descendent?) disciples of the late Great Grand Master of the Shaolin Temple Shi SuXi (aka: His Holiness Upper Su and Lower Xi).

Tai Chi

What Is Tai Chi? Tai Chi is an ancient art with many of its fundamental principles reflecting ancient Chinese wisdom. Tai chi (太極; Tàijí), short for T’ai chi ch’üan or Tàijí quán (太極拳), is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for both its defense training, its health benefits and meditation. The term taiji is a Chinese...

Ancient Chinese wisdom

What Is Ancient Chinese Wisdom?

Ancient Chinese Wisdom I have divided the Ancient Chinese Wisdom into four main parts at the present. The first is I-Ching, which is the classic of all the Chinese Classics. The second part is the teaching of Lao Zi. The third is Sun Zi Art of War. The fourth is...

The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove refers to seven distinguished Chinese scholars, writers and musicians in the six dynasties. They exerted a great influence on Chinese poetry, art and overall culture.

Chinese Sages

Chinese Sages This article is about famous Chinese Sages. In ancient China during the 6th century BC the incessant wars between Jin and Chu led Heang Seu of Song to go to Jin with a proposal for a comprehensive peace. He said, “War is destructive to the people, an insect...

Blue British Columbia Canada Carefree Concentration

Chinese Wisdom For Contemplation

Chinese Wisdom For Contemplation These sample writings are about Chinese Wisdom For Contemplation. The sage is like water. Water is good, nourishes all things, and does not compete with them. It dwells in humble places that others disdain, hence it is close to the Tao. In his dwelling, the sage...