Catholic spirituality

Catholic Liturgy Incensing At The Mass

Catholic Liturgy

Catholic Liturgy This article covers Catholic Liturgy. In the Catholic Church, liturgy is divine worship, the proclamation of the Gospel, and active charity. Liturgical principles As explained in greater detail in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and its shorter Compendium, the liturgy is something that “the whole Christ”, Head and Body,...

Candles Faith Reflection Cross Prayer Candles

Catholic Spirituality

Catholic Spirituality Catholic spirituality includes the various ways in which Catholics live out their Baptismal promise through prayer and action. The primary prayer of all Catholics is the Eucharistic liturgy in which they celebrate and share their faith together, in accord with Jesus’ instruction: “Do this in memory of me.” The Catholic bishops at the Second Vatican...

Rosary Cross Prayer Religion Catholic Church

Rosary Devotions And Spirituality

Rosary Devotions And Spirituality This article covers the relationship between the Rosary Devotions And Spirituality. Devotion to the Rosary is one of the most notable features of popular Catholic spirituality. According to Pope John Paul II, rosary devotions can foster some central objectives of Christian spirituality and they are “among the finest and most praiseworthy traditions...