capital vices

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Actual Sin

Actual Sin This article covers the actual sins. Actual Sin is sin in the ordinary sense of the word and consists of evil acts, whether of thought, word, or deed. According to the Western Christian tradition, actual sin, as distinguished from original sin, is an act contrary to the will and law of God whether...

Flame Candle Original Sin Sin Apple Adam Eva

Sins Origin And Nature In The Bible

Sins Origin And Nature In The Bible This article covers sins origin and Nature in the Bible. We have looked at a biblical definition of sin which can be best described as the breaking of God’s laws and commandments along with the rejection of His plans and purposes for our...

Seven Deadly Sins

Seven Deadly Sins

Seven Deadly Sins The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices, or cardinal sins, are a grouping and classification of vices within Christian teachings, although it does not appear explicitly in the Bible. Behaviours or habits are classified under this category if they directly give birth to other immoralities. According to...