1554 Search results

For the term "History of Christianity".
Funerary stele with the inscription ΙΧΘΥϹ ΖΩΝΤΩΝ ("fish of the living"), early 3rd century, National Roman Museum.

History Of Christianity

History Of Christianity The history of Christianity concerns the Christian religion, Christendom, and the Church with its various denominations, from the 1st century to the present. Christianity originated with the ministry of Jesus, a Jewish teacher and healer who proclaimed the imminent Kingdom of God and was crucified c. AD 30–33 in Jerusalem in the Roman province of Judea. His followers believe that, according to the Gospels, he...

Church Spilled Blood Church Of The Redeemer

History Of Eastern Christianity

History Of Eastern Christianity This article covers the history of Eastern Christianity. Christianity has been, historically a Middle Eastern religion with its origin in Judaism. Eastern Christianity refers collectively to the Christian traditions and churches which developed in the Middle East, Egypt, Asia Minor, the Far East, Balkans, Eastern Europe, Northeastern Africa and southern India over several centuries...

An Eastern Roman mosaic showing a basilica with towers, mounted with Christian crosses, 5th century, Louvre.

History Of Early Christianity

History Of Early Christianity The history of early Christianity covers the Apostolic Age (1st century, CE) and the Ante-Nicene Period (c.100-325 CE), to the First Council of Nicaea in 325 CE. The earliest followers of Jesus comprised an apocalyptic, Second Temple Jewish sect of Jewish Christians. Eventually, the inclusion of Gentile God-fearers led to a departure from Jewish customs, the establishment of Christianity as an independent religion,...

Jesus Christ God Holy Spirit Bible Gospel

Christianity Explained

Christianity Explained In the following article an account is given of Christianity as a religion, describing its origin, its relation to other religions, its essential nature and chief characteristics, but not dealing with its doctrines in detail nor its history as a visible organization. These and other aspects of this...

Michael the Deacon and Martin Luther convene in Wittenberg, painted by Inès Lee and commissioned by Sir John Das (2018).

History Of Lutheranism

History Of Lutheranism This article covers the history of Lutheranism. Lutheranism as a religious movement originated in the early 16th century Holy Roman Empire as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church. The movement originated with the call for a public debate regarding several issues within the Catholic Church by Martin Luther, then a professor of...

Triumph of Christian religion (over paganism) by Tommaso Laureti (1582), Vatican Palace

Christianity And Paganism

Christianity And Paganism This article covers the relationship between Christianity and Paganism. Paganism is commonly used to refer to various religions that existed during Antiquity and the Middle Ages, such as the Greco-Roman religions of the Roman Empire, including the Roman imperial cult, the various mystery religions, religions such as Neoplatonism and Gnosticism, and more localized ethnic religions practiced both inside and outside...

Christ washing the feet of the Apostles, by Giotto di Bondone (Cappella Scrovegni a Padova)

Ablution In Christianity

Ablution In Christianity Ablution in Christianity is a prescribed washing of part or all of the body or possessions, such as clothing or ceremonial objects, with the intent of purification or dedication. In Christianity, both baptism and footwashing are forms of ablution. Prior to praying the canonical hours at seven fixed prayer times, Oriental Orthodox Christians wash their hands and...

Resurrection Of Jesus Christ Painting Iconography

Spiritual Christianity

Spiritual Christianity Spiritual Christianity (духовное христианство) is the group of belief systems held by so-called folk Protestants (narodnye protestanty), including non-Eastern Orthodox indigenous faith tribes and new religious movements that emerged in the Russian Empire. Their origins are varied: some from Protestant movements imported from Europe to Russia by missionaries, travelers and workers; some due to disgust of...

A depiction in stained glass: "thy mother Mary fled into Egypt"

Christianity Quotes

Christianity Quotes We have collected and put the best Christianity quotes from around the world. Enjoy reading these insights and feel free to share this page on your social media to inspire others. May these Christianity quotes on many subjects inspire you to never give up and keep working towards...

Iconoclasm was caused by the Protestant rejection of the Roman Catholic saints. Zurich, 1524.

History Of Protestantism

History Of Protestantism This article covers the history of Protestantism. Protestantism originated from the Protestation at Speyer in 1529, where the nobility protested against enforcement of the Edict of Worms which subjected advocates of Lutheranism to forfeiture of all of their property. However, the theological underpinnings go back much further, as Protestant theologians of the...

Maramon Mar Thoma Church (2005)

Eastern Protestant Christianity

Eastern Protestant Christianity The term Eastern Protestant Christianity (or Eastern Reformed Christianity), as well as Oriental Protestant Christianity, encompasses a range of heterogeneous Protestant Christian denominations that developed outside of the Occident, from the latter half of the nineteenth century and yet keeps elements of Eastern Christianity, to varying degrees....

Orthodox churches in Vologda, Russia

History Of The Eastern Orthodox Church

History Of The Eastern Orthodox Church According to the Eastern Orthodox tradition, the history of the Eastern Orthodox Church is traced back to Jesus Christ and the Apostles. The Apostles appointed successors, known as bishops, and they in turn appointed other bishops in a process known as Apostolic succession. Over time, five Patriarchates were established to organize the...

Art Artistic Painting Digital Cross Religion


Christianity On this page, we have collected articles related to Christianity on our website. Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion centered on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the New Testament. The Christian faith is essentially faith in Jesus as the Christ (or Messiah), the...

Moscow Saint Basil's Cathedral

Outline Of Eastern Christianity

Outline Of Eastern Christianity This article is the outline of Eastern Christianity. Enjoy…! Eastern Christianity is Christian traditions and churches that developed in the Balkans, Eastern Europe, Asia Minor, the Middle East, the Horn of Africa, India, and parts of the Far East over several centuries of religious antiquity. Eastern...

Monastery Church Architecture Orthodox Religion

Eastern Christianity

Eastern Christianity Eastern Christianity is Christian traditions and churches that developed in the Balkans, Eastern Europe, Asia Minor, the Middle East, the Horn of Africa, India, and parts of the Far East over several centuries of religious antiquity. Eastern Christianity comprises church families that developed outside the Occident, with major...

Clouds Sky Boat Sea Water Waves Faith

Outline Of Christianity

Outline Of Christianity The following outline of Christianity is provided as an overview and topical guide to Christianity. Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion centered on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the New Testament. The Christian faith is essentially faith in Jesus as the...

Mongol tribes that adopted Syriac Christianity ca. 600 – 1400

Syriac Christianity

Syriac Christianity Syriac Christianity (Mšiḥāyuṯā Suryāyṯā; مسيحية سريانية‎, masīḥiyyat suryāniyya) represents a distinctive branch of Eastern Christianity, whose formative theological writings and traditional liturgies are expressed in Classical Syriac language, a variation of Aramaic language. In a wider sense, the term can also refer to Aramaic Christianity in general, thus encompassing all...

The Bible is the sacred book in Christianity.

Outline Of Christianity’s Religious Texts

Outline Of Christianity’s Religious Texts In this article, you will find the Outline Of Christianity’s Religious Texts in detail. Christianity, like other religions, has adherents whose beliefs and biblical interpretations vary. Christianity regards the biblical canon, the Old Testament and the New Testament, as the inspired word of God. The traditional view of inspiration is...

The burning of the pantheistic Amalrician heretics in 1210, in the presence of King Philip II Augustus. In the background is the Gibbet of Montfaucon and, anachronistically, the Grosse Tour of the Temple. Illumination from the Grandes Chroniques de France, c. 1455–1460.

Heresy In Christianity

Heresy In Christianity Heresy in Christianity denotes the formal denial or doubt of a core doctrine of the Christian faith as defined by one or more of the Christian churches. In Western Christianity, heresy most commonly refers to those beliefs which were declared to be anathema by any of the ecumenical councils recognized by the Catholic Church. In the East, the term “heresy”...

Cross Christ Statue Sea Pigeons Redeemer

Redeemer in Christianity

Redeemer In Christianity  Jesus is sometimes referred to as a redeemer in Christianity. This refers to the salvation he is believed to have accomplished, and is based on the metaphor of redemption, or “buying back”. In the New Testament, redemption is used to refer both to deliverance from sin and to freedom from captivity. Although...